SCAS News - 14 June, 2019

SCAS Welcomes a New Generation of Pro Futura Scientia Fellows

The Swedish Collegium is delighted to announce the names of the five talented researchers who have been
appointed new Pro Futura Scientia XIV Fellows. The new Fellows are:

Kieron Barclay, Demography, Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research, Rostock (nominated
by Stockholm University). Research proposal: The Impact of the Family of Origin on Health Inequalities:
A Global, Historical, Multigenerational, and Comparative Perspective

Are Skeie Hermansen, Sociology, University of Oslo (nominated by University of Oslo). Research
proposal: How Work Organizations Shape Ethnic Stratification across Immigrant Generations: Assimilation,
Segregation, and Workplace Contexts (OrgMIGRANT)

Linn Holmberg, History of Ideas, Stockholm University (nominated by Stockholm University). Research
proposal: Dictionary Craze: Transforming Knowledge across Early Modern Europe

Christopher Meckstroth, History and Political Theory, University of Cambridge (nominated by the
University of Cambridge). Research proposal: General Peace Treaties and the Invention of International
Order, c. 1450-1914

Ivan Miroshnikov, Ancient and Medieval History/Coptic Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences and
University of Helsinki (nominated by Mid Sweden University). Research proposal: The Abandoned Dialects:
A Study of the Manuscripts and Literature in Fayoumic and Bohairic Coptic

Twenty years after the initiation of the Pro Futura Scientia programme, the fourteenth round of nominations
attracted a wide range of interest. During the past months, an extensive selection procedure has been carried
out in multiple steps. In total, 30 scholars - 13 women and 17 men, proposed by 16 universities in five coun-
tries – have been competing for the five-year-Fellowships. Criteria such as excellent research profiles and the
scholars’ ability to work independently and with ground-breaking results have formed the basis upon which
the final selections were made. As in previous years, the decision of admittance was formally made by the Board
of Riksbankens Jubileumsfond, at the recommendation of the Swedish Collegium’s international programme
selection committee.

The new Pro Futura Scientia Fellows will receive their diplomas during a ceremony held at the Swedish Colle-
gium in September.

An alternative grant – the RJ one year research grant - has been offered to three of the nominees who were
not awarded a Pro Futura Fellowship, namely:

Sabina Čehajić-Clancy, Psychology/Intergroup Relations, Sarajevo School of Science and Technology
(nominated by Stockholm University)
Karin Modig, Epidemiology and Demography, Karolinska Institutet (nominated by Karolinska Institutet)
Thomas Ågren, Psychology, Uppsala University (nominated by Uppsala University)
This grant is not coordinated by the Swedish Collegium.

The Pro Futura Scientia programme was initiated in 1999 by the Swedish Collegium for Advanced Study
and Riksbankens Jubileumsfond. Thanks to the carefully designed structure of the programme, talented
scholars are given optimal scope for developing as researchers, over several years and in stimulating environ-
ments, and it has thus proved to be an attractive career path.

The programme attracts promising young scholars not only from Sweden, but also from abroad. An
increasing number of researchers from the international arena enter the Swedish university and research
system this way.

The important role that the programme has come to play in the Swedish academic system over the years is
shown through the large number of current or former Pro Futura researchers that have taken up distinguished professorships, and/or have been elected members of scholarly academies and societies and joined research
councils and key bodies at universities.

Read more:
Pro Futura Scientia History and Mission

Nominations and Selections

Pro Futura Scientia Fellows (1999 - present)

Press release from Riksbankens Jubileumsfond (in Swedish)